Bound by Friendship: How Camaraderie Propelled Simran Sharma and Preethi Pal to Paralympic Glory

Simran Sharma and Preethi Pal (Credit: Gargi Raut)

In the world of sports, the most defining moments often transcend the medal podium. They are found in the quiet, unseen spaces of shared training sessions, words of encouragement, and the spirit of camaraderie that bonds athletes on and off the track. For Indian Paralympians Simran Sharma and Preethi Pal, this connection has become the bedrock of their athletic journey, one that recently culminated in their remarkable performances at the Paris Paralympics 2024.


Simran Sharma, who won a bronze medal in the 200m T12 category, and Preethi Pal, who secured two bronze medals in the 200m and 100m T35 events, not only share a love for athletics but also a deep friendship. Both athletes are coached by the same mentor, who has pushed them to their limits, and both credit each other with the motivation that has carried them through the most gruelling of challenges.


“Compared to before, the awareness of para sports has increased, and I thank everyone for the love and support we’ve received after winning so many medals at the Paralympics,” Simran reflected, her gratitude evident. “Maybe it is because of everyone’s blessings that we won 29 medals. No athlete is ever alone in their journey, and we’ve received a lot of support.”


Preethi echoed this sentiment, marvelling at the overwhelming reception they received upon returning home. “I want to thank everyone who supports us,” she said. “We had an amazing surprise and a grand welcome when we landed in India. We never thought we would receive a welcome like that.” 


But behind the spotlight and celebrations lies the strength of a bond that carried Preethi through her first Paralympic finals. When asked about her emotions before her two races, she didn’t hesitate to acknowledge Simran’s role in her journey. “I was very scared, my first Paralympics, and I wasn’t sure what the outcome would be,” she said. “When I won the medal, I was bewildered. I had no idea how to react or what had happened. I saw Didi (Simran) and she was crying; she was more emotional than me about my win.”


Simran, who has been a source of inspiration for Preethi since the beginning of her career, downplayed her role in the victory, humbly deflecting Preethi’s admiration. “We’re big fans of each other,” she said with a laugh. “We both work very hard. We’re in the same group and share the same coach, and he works us both into the ground.”


Preethi, however, insisted that it is Simran’s drive that pushes her forward. “A bit of my training is different from hers, but when I see her taking on these challenges, I feel like I can do it too.”


Their friendship and shared experiences, forged through years of training and competition, speak volumes about the strength of camaraderie in sport. In a discipline that can often feel solitary, Simran and Preethi have found not just teammates, but sisters in each other. 


It’s easy to view these athletes through the lens of their individual achievements, but their stories remind us of the importance of those who walk beside us. As Simran and Preethi’s journey illustrates, no victory is won alone, and no struggle is faced in isolation. Together, they embody the spirit of friendship, showing that in the pursuit of greatness, the strength of our relationships can propel us further than we ever imagined.


As they return to India, medals around their necks and their hearts full of gratitude, they carry not only the weight of their own accomplishments but the pride of a nation. And through it all, they carry each other – each step, each race, and each challenge ahead, together.