An ecosystem that caters to everybody. That is the fundamental idea of the Tata Steel Trailblazers 3.0 Conclave which entered a historic third year at ITC Sonar in Kolkata on Thursday. It is supposed to be a coming together of sportspersons, sports officials, the investors and every other stake-holders including the media. We the media are bringing this to you, an unprecedented coming together of the record breakers and the onlookers.
It’s not about cricket, a game Indians are obsessed with. Cricket is a part of it, no doubt. But The Tata Steel Trailblazers Conclave is about sports. All sports. Olympic, paralympic, chess and you name what. It covers everything. This is a never-before congregation of all of India’s sporting icons. And all those, officials and sponsors, who make it possible. You win some and lose some. We, at RevSportz, celebrate you all.
Boria Majumdar, the founder of RevSportz and its editor, set the ball rolling by saying that this is about sports, an inclusive endeavour. Sports is a way of life. Mr Chanakya Chaudhary, the Vice-President, Corporate Services, Tata Steel, said sports has a power. This power in non-violent. It teaches life lessons. It teaches one to deal with defeat and success.
Tata Steel has been nurturing sports for a long time. The entire Indian Olympic archery team is backed by Tata Steel. They have backed many other disciplines as well. Mr Chaudhary mentioned diversity and inclusivity. Majumdar was on the same page. This is about sports. Not about winning or losing.