A cup of Kadak

Sharmistha Gooptu from Doha

It was the Germany versus Spain game that started local time 10 pm. We had travelled the night before from India and started work as soon as we got in. Sleep deprived and excited but feeling chilled as night set into the surrounding dessert on the Al Bayt stadium, I nodded a yes when our colleague Abhijit Deshmukh suggested a cup of tea. And then surprise surprise. What the menu offered at the stadium’s food stall was a normal black tea and Kadak chai, which turned out to be a regular and, oh so welcome Indian tea blend of milk, elaichi and sugar, a shot of glucose as I returned to the stand to watch the rest of the game.

This drink that celebarates Indianness here at the Fifa World Cup and is a testimony to the Indian presence here in the region, is now our must have at the games. So Kadak Chai it was with Ronaldo at Portugal versus Germany and Kadak again today at the night game where we will witness the great Messi in action.

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