A RevSportz Exclusive || “Stimac has played the role of father, elder brother and mentor” – Sandesh Jhingan  

Source: AIFF

India started their World Cup qualifying campaign with a 1-0 win against Kuwait in Kuwait. Thereafter, the team stumbled to a 0-3 loss to Qatar at home. But from here on, if India beat Afghanistan home and away, and get at least a draw with Kuwait at home, there is every reason to believe that they can qualify as the second team from the group. In this conversation, Sandesh Jhingan opened up on India’s chances and the forthcoming Asian Cup, while also explaining why Igor Stimac, the national coach, is special. Excerpts:

Boria: We may have lost to Qatar, but what we saw on that day in Bhubaneshwar was real fight. What we had seen in Kuwait was also real fight. If we do well against Afghanistan and against Kuwait at home, there is every reason to think we can qualify for the next round. Your thoughts on that?

Sandesh: Firstly, when we started the campaign with the Kuwait win, I was very proud of the performance of the team. It is because it’s never easy when you play away from home. In fact, when you go away, it’s a different ball game, including the travel, which is not well understood enough. People take it for granted that it is just a very normal thing. But when you travel, the flights and a lot more, it takes a toll on your body.

And, of course, you feel bad when you lose. Like I had posted on Twitter – For the desire, for the performance, for the passion, effort, I have no regrets. I think we did well. You cannot forget or you cannot just sideline the fact that Qatar are one of the best teams in Asia. They are Asian champions, they played the World Cup last year.

It’s just that they took their chances, and we had our chances as well. If we could have taken our chances, then the outcome would have been totally different. Had that happened, the mood of the country would have been different. We know we put up a good fight. So, I’m pretty optimistic and I’m pretty positive that we are growing and that we’re getting better.

Boria: Going forward, the Asian Cup is up in January. You will have serious competition against Australia, Uzbekistan and Syria. How are you, as one of the most accomplished stars of this team, looking at the Asian Cup?

Sandesh: Firstly, we want to do better than the last time. When I got into the system, we set our targets that we have to make sure we are regulars at the Asian Cup. So, to do that for the first time, I think in the history of Indian football history, to do it twice – 2019 and now 2023 – is a big achievement itself.

We want to do better than what we did in 2019. Of course, it’s a tough group as Australia is another World Cup team. I think we are no pushovers anymore for anyone. We have earned the respect that we are there to compete. Wherever India goes, you could sense it. And now, it’s just about performing, to give your best.


Boria: When you say that the opponents look us in the eye and feel that there is a change, do you sense that change as a senior player with so many juniors coming through the ranks? Do you see an attitudinal change and agree that we are a better team?

Sandesh: Even when we were ranked 173 and we were playing Iran, I believed we could beat them. That belief was never in doubt, at least in my mind, and I made sure whoever was with me had the same feeling. But, yes, I can see the transition. I can see the change in my teammates and Igor has had a major role to play in this.

Boria: What is the role? What is the difference that you are seeing with Igor as coach? Now that his contact has been extended, this is very pertinent.

Sandesh: I think it’s a very detailed answer, it’s tough to put it into a few words, but the results themselves. Brand of football. We have grown together. He played the role of a father, elder brother or mentor when he first came in. When I went down with my ACL, he flew over from Delhi and every month, literally every month, he was in touch with me. So, personally, he helped me a lot and that’s where you develop a special bond with a person. You can give your best for such a coach. I am sure he will develop a similar bond with most of the other footballers as well.

Boria:  Fascinating. Turning to fans, how important is fan support for the national team? It was tremendous to see in Bhubaneshwar.

Sandesh: Thank you for the support. In Kuwait, we felt it was a home game. I have said this many times, that the only way football in our country can grow is when we all come together. The onus is not only on the players or the federation – the whole family has to come together for this big task. Especially, when we lose, fans have come forward to support and that what real support is all about.

Boria: We play Afghanistan back-to-back in March. Making it to the next round is a real possibility now.

Sandesh: Whether it is a realistic or not that does not matter. All that matters is we want to be there. We as a nation, I am thinking to be in the World Cup. Yes, you might say it is not practical. But then, unless you want to do something, it will never happen. So, we are going to do the level of work that we need to do to qualify. If there is hope, miracles happen.

Boria: In the Asian Cup, you are going to play against higher-ranked teams. Is that going to help in getting better?

Sandesh: Of course. The more you play higher-ranked teams, the better it is. It helps to improve when we do so. I personally love playing against such teams. Whether you win or lose, its always a learning curve.  


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