Colour TV, and 1983 – How Kapil’s Team Changed Indian Sport

For years now, sociologists and journalists have been engaged by the question: What is it that…

Remembering Yashpal Sharma – Warrior Whose 89 Sparked World Cup Glory Run

India’s World Cup triumph in 1983 was in many ways a victory of the foot soldiers.…

Roger Binny and Madan Lal – Unsung Heroes from 1983

Fast bowlers hunt in pairs. From the early years of international cricket to the T20 era,…

How Kapil’s Legends and 1983 Changed my Life

It was just another day in my life. At home, far away from where the action…

The significance of 1983

We are celebrating the 40th anniversary of India’s 1983 World Cup win. So, what does 1983…

Blistering Berhampore, Kapil’s Devils and Tunbridge Wells – Memories of 175 not out

If you think of the last 50 years, there is a video recording of nearly every…