Did PT Usha’s visit to Jantar Mantar come a tad too late?

PT Usha finally visited the Wrestlers protest site at Jantar Mantar today. The first thing to be said about this visit is better late than never. Faced with stinging criticism for her standoffish comments, Usha’s visit could well be an attempt at damage control. Her comments had landed the IOA in a dock and was poor optics. By going to Jantar Mantar, Usha has tried to undo the damage and extend an olive branch. It could also be looked upon as a kind of softening of stance on the part of the IOA. With the protest showing no signs of getting over soon and with the wrestlers upping their ante every day against the IOA and the Sports Ministry, it was imperative that the IOA President acts and acts fast. As a woman, much was expected of her and so far at least she hasn’t delivered on the expectations. None of her actions, so far at least, added much to her aura as an athlete-administrator and today’s visit can be seen as a welcome departure.

The question, however, is- Did Usha visit the protest site a tad too late? Will it break the ice and help her and the IOA in anyway? Are the wrestlers too far down the road for a reconciliation to happen?

If the reaction to the visit is any indication, it is difficult for Usha now to make a breakthrough. Her car was stopped multiple times and she was confronted by an angry mob who demanded answers for the delay. In fact, some even suggested that she shouldn’t be allowed to meet the protesting wrestlers as she had already let them down.

In sum, the heat continues and Usha’s visit, while an attempted damage control on her part, might not really go a long way in solving the crisis.

The moot question now being – how do we solve this crisis and what will placate the protesters? With Brij Bhushan in no mood to resign and continuously speaking out, we haven’t seen the end of this unsavoury saga for sure. And in all this, the loser continues to be Indian sport Usha’s visit notwithstanding.

Also read: Usha’s Administrative Gaffe Hurts as Much as Lost Medal

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