“Hard to digest fourth-place finish”: Manu Bhaker

Manu Bhaker in frame. (PC: X.com)

S Kannan in Chateauroux

Manu Bhaker was involved in a nerve-jangling shoot-off for the 25m pistol bronze before eventually finishing fourth on Saturday. Having won two medals, both bronze, Manu had hoped to peak again. But then, there was pressure and there was intense competition as one more bronze medal eluded her.

“This is tough, to finish fourth after winning two bronze medals,” Manu told RevSportz. “I can only look ahead and hope in 2028 Los Angeles I can do even better.” Even as she stepped off the range and chatted with Jaspal Rana, her coach. Manu said she wanted a six-month break. “No, three months break, and we train again,” said Jaspal. 

What will happen after three months is not a mystery. By every statement Manu has made to RevSportz, she will be back and aim for perfection. “I will be there for sure,” she said with a straight face. “How do I not build on this?” 

Right now, after having shot three competitions in the Paris 2024 Olympics has left her  drained, energy-wise and emotionally. She has pushed hard, beyond most human limits. But then, she had prepared for it. “ I mean, this whole arena has been great for me,” said Manu. And then she was laughing, as her mind went back to the lack of preferred food. “It’s not easy to live on this food in France forever,” she said. “Let me get back home and eat aloo paratha and more.”

She had no excuses to offer after failing to win a third bronze medal. “It’s a hard thing to digest, the fourth-place finish,” said Manu. “All these lessons will help me. I wish to place on record the guidance and help given by coach Jaspal Rana Sir and I thank all the people for their prayers. It ensured I could  fight every day.”

Rana emphasised that a fourth-place finish was no shame. “I have no complaints, Manu shot very well,” he said. “We cannot expect a medal in each match. Yes, there is a lot more to be done, and we hope Manu will again train hard after the three-month break.”

The journey at Paris 2024 has been enchanting and Manu might have done even better in the 25m pistol if she had competed only in that event. Fate willed otherwise, and she shot so well in the Olympic trials that she made it to three events. There is no point trying to analyse if her two medals reduced her hunger for a third. The way she has trained for these Olympics has been an education for many.

“This has been brilliant shooting by Manu,” said Raja Randhir Singh to RevSportz. “A fourth-place finish is not easy to deal with. We had Arjun Babuta as well in the same position. But then, two medals from Manu, this is historic.” Raninder Singh, the former National Rifle Aassociation of India (NRAI) president, told RevSportz: “Bhai, better to finish sixth, not fourth.” For the record, Raninder still shoots trap and respects Rana and Manu. “This is going to change Indian shooting,” he added. 

As Manu headed back to the Athletes Village, Rana was still talking to her. “Coaching is listening to the athlete all the time,” said Rana. “Not impose my views. Till the time Manu boards the flight to India, she can catch up on sleep.”

The next few days, she can actually relax. When reminded about “pressure and effort”, Manu burst out laughing. “Let me first get back to my folks and friends,” she said. “They are waiting.”