High-profile European names among  applicants to be India’s new football coach

Left: Simon Grayson. Right: Trevor Morgan
Left: Simon Grayson. Right: Trevor Morgan (Source: ISL)

The search for India’s next football head coach is heating up. Contrary to expectations, many have already applied and many more have inquired on email about the possibility. Some have even inquired over calls and may soon submit their applications.

Sources say a lot of applicants are from Europe and are keen on taking up the Indian challenge. “There are more than 20 applications already and some of them are very reputed names,” said a source within the AIFF. “The kind of football we now play and the kind of infrastructure we have, there is serious interest in the job. We are expecting some very good applications in the next few days as well.”

When asked if they would opt for someone who has ISL coaching experience, the source said, “We are interested in the best candidate. It is about getting the best man to come and coach the national team. There is real potential and things have progressed in the last few years, the failure to make the third round notwithstanding. The new coach will have a firm base to build on.”

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Team India vs Qatar
Team India vs Qatar (PC: AIFF)

While names like Simon Grayson have been doing the rounds, the source confirmed that there are a lot of applicants from Spain who have shown interest. “Not everyone can go to countries like Brazil or Germany or other leading football nations,” said the source. “If you can make a difference to the India story, it can be a turning point in your career. And they know it. There is huge interest in India globally and for any coach, it is an attraction.”

There is still time for prospective candidates to apply but one thing is now for certain – the AIFF will have a fair pool of names to choose from, which will include a number of high-profile figures from Europe.

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