“I Want the Boys to Play like Blue Tigers”: Igor Stimac

Igor Stimac with his family (Exclusively sent to us by Igor Stimac). Picture on the right is taken from AIFF


It is his birthday today (September 6) and all Igor Stimac is worried about is how his team will stand up against Iraq, Asian Cup winners in 2007, in the first match of the King’s Cup in Bangkok. For the record, the Indian team has had one training session ahead of the game. Most of the players arrived in the Thai capital late on Sunday night after playing the Durand Cup, and needed a break on Monday to recover from exhaustion. It meant Stimac would get just one training session on match day minus one. Iraq, on the other hand, are a team that have beaten Saudi Arabia, trained for two weeks for the King’s Cup, and been together for a while in preparation for the Asian Games. Clearly, the situation is not ideal for Stimac. But he refuses to give up and is hopeful his boys will stand up and give him a much-desired birthday present.

Extracts from the interview:

Boria: Firstly, wish you a very happy birthday. I know it is not the best birthday mentally, with all that is going on in Indian football, but still, if I have to ask what you would wish for as a birthday present, what could that be?

Igor Stimac: Firstly, thank you very much for remembering, and the kind words. If I have to wish for something, I will wish for a dream result against Iraq. If my boys are able to give me a good result against a team like Iraq, that’s the best birthday gift I can ever hope for. Listen, the situation isn’t ideal. We have the time to train for just one session ahead of this game, when you know Iraq has trained for two weeks for the King’s Cup. We know we don’t have our best players. Chhangte came here with fever, so will not be on the pitch. Subhashish Bose couldn’t come because of cramps and fever, and Akash too is not in the best shape because of the broken hand. But one thing I can tell you. I have said the same to the boys. We will not give up. Come what may, we will not give up, and I want the boys to give it their all and play like the Blue Tigers. At the end of the game, they should stand in front of the mirror and say to themselves that they did everything humanly possible. That’s what I want as a gift from my boys.

Boria: I am very sorry to hear what you said. Clearly, this isn’t the best situation to be in. Also, you were served a show cause notice on August 31 for comments. I am not interested in going into details of it today, and would rather focus on the games that we have at hand.

Stimac: Let me stop you there. There were some comments in the media which said I had spoken in public when I should have taken up the matter internally. I was asked why I did not do that. Let me clarify one thing to you – I did raise every point internally, and it is not as if I don’t understand the pressures the AIFF is under. It is as much my team, and as much in my interest. We are not two opposite camps. We are the same team. All of us want the interest of Indian football to be served. So whatever I am saying is because I am here to serve Indian football. That’s the one and only reason.

Boria: All I can say is I hope the matter is resolved soon. That’s all I can possibly say. Let me ask you about the Asian Games. Are we better off there? Do you have clarity on the players you are likely to get because it is a huge tournament for India?

Stimac: No, I don’t. And I don’t blame the clubs either, because it is not in the FIFA window and there is a clash with the ISL. Take the case of Bengaluru FC, for example. They have two of their goalkeepers injured, and hence it is impossible that they can release Gurpreet. So I don’t think he will be there in the Asian Games. All I am begging for is for the clubs to release two players each. If they do that, we will have a competitive team. We have a real chance in the Asian Games. We can do well against China and go to the next stage, but for that, we need to have players and a competitive team. Hopefully, we will have clarity in the next two days.

Boria: This is a real hole to be in. I don’t know what to say really. Have you spoken to Sunil [Chhetri] and is he doing well with family? More importantly, will he be there in China for the Asian Games?

Stimac: (Smiles). Yes I have spoken to my captain, and he is a very proud and happy man with his lovely wife Sonam and his child. All of them are well, and I wish him all the happiness in the world. Tomorrow’s match against Iraq is also for him. The boys will want to do it for him, and give him a gift as well. Very rarely do we not have our captain with us. And he is irreplaceable. Having said that, I will try and replace him for tomorrow’s game, and will want to do something for him for sure.

I absolutely expect him to be there in China with us, and lead us as our captain. His passion and commitment will give us that edge in the Asian Games, and there is no doubt I want him there.

Boria: What’s the plan? Are you traveling to China from Thailand? How many training sessions have you planned?

Stimac: Yes, the plan was decided long back. We will leave Thailand on [September] 16th for China. It is just a small one-and-a-half-hour flight from here, and that’s great for us. We will train for two sessions after we enter the village, and then take on China on the 19th. The schedule isn’t the best when you have to play two matches within 48 hours, but then, as I said to you, I am not complaining. I will make do with what I have, and expect my boys to stand up and give it their best. This is an opportunity they will perhaps not get again. This is a chance to do something for their country. And whatever the adversity, I need them to understand the importance of this opportunity and deliver. So, yes, we stay on in Thailand and then go to China on the 16th from here.

Boria: I was reading in the media that you will get a week to prepare for the World Cup qualifier against Kuwait. Any thoughts?

Stimac: I don’t know. I wish I get more time.

Boria: It will be the most important game because a draw could get us the second position in the group.

Stimac: It could be the most important game in our campaign. See, the point is simple. When you don’t get time to prepare, all you do is defend, defend, defend and keep holding on, and then bank on a counterattack. If you get time to prepare, you can plan on variations, plan on attacks and play beautiful football like we did in the last three tournaments. That’s why you need to train together, and for a period of time. Against Kuwait, we will need a point away, and that’s going to be a huge game for us.

Boria: The home match will be at the Kalinga Stadium. That’s a place where you will get fantastic support and fantastic hospitality.

Stimac: Yes, I am happy with the venue. In Bhubaneshwar, we will get huge support from our fans and the kind of facilities we have there are excellent. The hospitality, the warmth and the support will all work to our advantage. Fans will come in from all parts of India and the stadium will be small for all of them. So it is a very good venue for sure.

Credit: AIFF

Boria: Finally, I know its not the best birthday in the circumstances. But I hope room service has delivered the chocolate cake RevSportz had sent to you on behalf of every Indian football fan. Please do have a piece, and a happy birthday.

Stimac: Yes, they did, and it was a pleasant surprise. I am overwhelmed. Someone is leaking information about what I like! This is an excellent cake, and I want to thank every Indian football fan for the love and warmth. I am not leaving any of you, and will always be there for you all.

Boria: We aren’t leaving you, coach. Happy birthday, and God bless.

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