Igor Stimac: “I am looking you in the eye and telling you that we will qualify for the third round of the World Cup.”

Igor Stimac during Trailblazers 2.0 Conclave (Image: Joy Sengupta for RevSportz)

It was the second time I asked Igor Stimac the question in the course of the same interview. In fact, I wasn’t sure if he would give me a straight answer or be diplomatic. The answer would give me a sense of his mind and hence it was important I asked the coach one more time. “How confident is he about taking India to the third round of the FIFA World Cup qualifiers?”

Even before I had finished the question, I saw him smiling. It wasn’t a nervous smile. Rather, it was one of confidence, as if he was expecting it.

“I am looking you in the eye and telling you that we will qualify for the third round of the World Cup”, said Stimac. Straight, candid and from the heart. It wasn’t a statement of arrogance. Rather, one of confidence and self-belief. Pausing for a second, he continued to elaborate.

“In May, the ISL will be over. There will be no football here at the club level. I will get my players for a long camp. And I know that at the end of the camp, they will be flying. The four-week camp is exactly what we need before the hugely important game against Kuwait in Kolkata. And I can assure you there will be no stopping us. Each time we had a long camp, the results are there for all to see. We have played excellent football with all my players in top shape. Last year, we won the three back- to- back tournaments we (India) looked the fitter and better side each time we stepped out. That’s what a long camp, together, can do. June will be no different ahead of the games against Kuwait and Qatar”, said Igor Stimac.

It was straight talk. From someone who knows his job well and one who knows that the media and Indian fans will not accept it if India fails to make it to the next round.

Is he worried that some of his first team players are still not a 100 per cent fit and India will have to play at an altitude of 2200 feet in Abha city?

Stimac was yet again clear in what he wants. “Yes, Anwar isn’t controlling the game like he did just yet. And Jeakson isn’t starting and Sahal isn’t playing with the same intensity for the full 90 minutes. But such things won’t stop us. Nothing will stop us from making the next round. That’s the goal and that’s what the players want now. They are ready to give more than their best and we know collectively we can achieve our goal.”


Saying it is difficult to make up for the loss of Sandesh Jhingan who he considers as his rock-star in defence, the head coach thinks it isn’t altogether impossible. He has his plans chalked out and did not want to disclose it.

As I was about to close the interview, Stimac stopped me midway. “Sorry to cut you off. The Afghanistan games are very important. Critical games no doubt. But they aren’t make or break. Even if we win against them, we need to draw or beat Kuwait. That’s the game you know. And let me tell you we will be ready. With our life we will play every game from now because for five years we have been waiting for this. Making the next round will mean ten more games against the better teams in Asia. It can change Indian football for the better and that’s what I will do with the boys. As analysts and fans be there for us. Back us. Be critical for sure but don’t stop supporting. We are all together in this. It is our story. Indian football. And like I said to our President (Kalyan Chaubey) who is doing all he can to help, we will stand up against every challenge collectively and make sure that our fans are proud.”

Igor Stimac and Kalyan Chaubey at the Trailblazers 2.0 (Image: RevSportz)

Needless to say, we will be there in spirit in Saudi Arabia and physically in Guwahati on March 26 to back the team. It is time for football. Time for the Blue Tigers.

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