Nothing Better than Winning for India: HS Prannoy


He was one of the main architects of the incredible Thomas Cup win a year ago, and rates it as one of the greatest moments in his career and in the history of Indian badminton. And now, HS Prannoy goes into the Sudirman Cup as the world No.7, the highest-ranked Indian in the men’s singles. Speaking to Boria Majumdar ahead of the team’s departure for China, Prannoy opened up on what it is like to play as a team, the pressures of the Olympic qualification cycle, beating higher-ranked players regularly and more. Excerpts.

Boria: You had a really good year in 2022. Starting with the Thomas Cup win, you have repeatedly beaten higher-ranked players and now you have achieved your best-ever ranking. With the Sudirman Cup, it’s the start of the Olympic cycle and a very important phase for Indian badminton. How is your fitness and preparation, and how are you looking at the challenges ahead?

Prannoy: Looking back, I have to say the Thomas Cup will always be one of the greatest moments of my career and for all of us as a team. No one had thought that we could win. No one had given us a chance. And that win is what has made everyone hopeful about the Sudirman Cup. We are a confident team, and capable of doing well if we play to potential. Personally speaking, I have won some great victories and need to carry on going forward. In the Sudirman Cup, we are playing as India. And that’s what matters to any athlete. When you play for your country and win, nothing can be better than that. The vibe in the team is good and post the Thomas Cup, we know what we are capable of.


Boria: Making it to No.7 in the world, India’s best men’s singles player – it must be a great feeling, because you have gone through a lot in the last few years, with multiple injuries and more.

Prannoy: Yes, and that’s where I credit Gopi Sir and the team. Once I got back to working with Gopi Sir, the idea was always to be the best player I can be. Gopi Sir has never pushed me for results. He has always pushed me to train better. He knows results will come if the training is according to plan and the process is right. In a long career, you are bound to lose out on some tournaments because of injury. That’s par for the course. What is important is that I have been able to come back from it all, and do something tangible. Victories against higher-ranked opponents, multiple semi-finals are proof that I can do it at the highest level.

Boria: It is also the start of the Olympic qualification cycle and there are a lot of tournaments that will happen in the next one year. Fitness and mental health will be key. You need to stay fresh and focussed. Thoughts?

Prannoy: You are absolutely right in saying so. There are a huge number of tournaments, and the first thing that you need to tell yourself is that you will not always play well. Not always will you win, and not always will you have a good run. That’s fine, for that’s how sport is. That’s where mental health becomes important. You can’t stress unnecessarily. What is important is to cash in on a good run. When things are going your way and you are playing well, make the most of the run and do well in a number of tournaments. Rack up important points. That’s the key. If you are in good form, you need to make the most of that form and not give up easily. For there will be downers, and you need to stay grounded to deal with the good and the bad.

Source: Onmanaroma

Boria: What stands out in you is your ability to beat the higher-ranked players. What’s the secret? Even in the tournaments that you have played so far this year, your performances against higher-ranked players are better than against players who are relatively new to the circuit. Are you a lot more comfortable against known opponents?

Prannoy: Interesting you say that, but yes, that’s the case. Against known opponents and higher-ranked players, I know what to expect. Having played them many times, I know where the shuttle could or would come. My anticipation is better, the confidence is more. And I know I can beat them. That’s not the case with relative newcomers, for with them, there is an element of surprise. That’s what makes things slightly more tricky.

Boria: Final question. You have come close to winning big tournaments a number of times in 2022. That one big match, for example. Have you thought about it that come the Asian Games or the Olympics, you need to win that elusive medal.

Prannoy: I can tell you I am playing well. I had a very good 2022. Yes, I did not win tournaments but I am aware that if I continue to play well consistently, big wins will come. That’s what I will aim to do, and I do not put any extra pressure on myself by thinking I have to win a certain tournament. A good run is bound to happen with good effort and proper training, and that’s what I will be after with Gopi Sir by my side.


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