Oreos, MS Dhoni and Protecting the Indian team from the Evil Eye – Big Corporates Cash in on World Cup Craze


In the grand theatre of cricket, where passion knows no boundaries, the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 has emerged not just as a contest of skills but as a battleground for corporate giants. In India, cricket is more than a sport. It is an emotion that reverberates throughout the nation. With the World Cup having well and truly arrived after India’s victory against Pakistan, large corporates are orchestrating a symphony of advertising campaigns, each with a unique note.

Understanding the mood of the country is the first guideline in the playbook of these corporate giants. Brands are using this event to appeal to the emotions of the general public because cricket unites Indians from all walks of life. They know that for their marketing initiatives to have an impact, they must speak to the aspirations, hopes and dreams of the cricket-loving public.

Cricket players’ brand endorsements have long been a big draw in India, and World Cup campaigns are no exception. Companies are lining up to sign professional athletes as brand ambassadors so they can cash in on their popularity and charisma, and also the massive hype that accompanies the World Cup, to market their goods. Everyone wants a piece of the cricketing action, whether they are bat manufacturers, sportswear companies, or even financial services firms.

For instance, we can take Oreo’s latest World Cup campaign featuring MS Dhoni, legendary wicketkeeper-batter and World Cup-winning captain in 2011. In this collaboration, Dhoni, who has long been respected for his heroics on the field and his lovable demeanor and unwavering humility, assumes the lead role. In a novel move, the advertising campaign encourages fans to contain their enthusiasm and protect the Indian team from the dreaded “evil eye” until the World Cup trophy is firmly in their possession.

From a corporate standpoint, this move demonstrates Oreo’s market acumen. They’re not merely selling cookies; they’re offering a connection to the essence of cricket, becoming part of the fans’ collective journey through the World Cup. By engaging in such superstitious banter, Oreo has encapsulated the very spirit of the World Cup – the emotional roller-coaster that every cricket fan rides during the tournament.

Besides Oreo, another huge corporation that has tapped into this World Cup by creating meaningful advertising campaigns is Zomato. Their memorable “Zomaito vs Zomahto” campaign celebrates India’s linguistic diversity, sparking conversations and debates. During the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023, this can be leveraged to create connections with a diverse cross-section of fans. With a keen understanding of the Indian market and the ability to foster discussions, Zomato can become the go-to brand for cricket enthusiasts to order culinary delights and discuss match outcomes. Zomato’s playful and inclusive approach might be the secret of their corporate success during this cricket extravaganza, as the sport unites the nation.

And let’s not forget the Big Daddy of brands associated with cricket. At a media roundtable, Arnab Roy, chief marketing officer of the Coca-Cola Company in India and South West Asia, said the company’s marketing spend for the last quarter of 2023 was the highest of any fourth quarter since they set foot in India decades ago. The Thums Up, Sprite and LimcaSportz campaigns have been a feature of the World Cup-watching experience.

It’s fascinating to note the significant amounts that these corporations are willing to invest in promoting their brands. The projected television advertising spend for this year’s World Cup is expected to be 20% higher than in previous years. For instance, a 10-second advertisement during a premium match, such as the eagerly anticipated India-Pakistan clash, costs about Rs 30 lakh.

Furthermore, the cost of digital advertising during the 2023 Cricket World Cup has increased by over 60% compared to the 2019 tournament, with the current CPM range falling between Rs 230 and 250. In 2019, this rate was considerably lower, averaging between Rs 140 and 150 per thousand impressions.

According to Forbes India, there was a surge in interest in last-minute ad slots for the India-Pakistan match on October 14 in Ahmedabad. The prices advertisers were quoted may have surged to as high as Rs 60 lakh for a 10-secondslot.

But it’s not just the big players; smaller companies are also adopting innovative strategies. Small businesses are creating World Cup-themed discounts and promotions, while neighborhood restaurants are creating special World Cup menus. Even startups are getting involved in the competition in an effort to carve out a niche in the cutthroat world of advertising.

Digital marketing will undoubtedly be important. Social media platforms will be flooded with content related to the World Cup as a result of the widespread use of smartphones and the accessibility of high-speed internet. Catchy hashtags, popular videos and interactive campaigns that connect with fans on a personal level are to be expected.

All in all, the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 presents an exciting chance for companies in India to reach a wide audience. Understanding the nation’s heart and soul, utilizing digital platforms and providing unique, cricket-focused products and experiences are the keys to success.

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