Sports Ministry acts fast to suspend arrogant wrestling federation and call for a fresh adhoc body to now govern.

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One thing is to be brazen and quit and another to be arrogant. Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh’s man Sanjay Singh may have won the elections as president of the Wrestling Federation of India three days ago, but what followed was anything but good governance.

Bursting crackers at his (Brij Bhushan) residence in New Delhi when there is a cracker ban, posturing tough, as if he will still call the shots, all these were dangerous signals. Yes Brij Bhushan is a political strongman in Uttar Pradesh, but all this bravado and mocking lady wrestlers could have been avoided.

When Sakshi Malik shed tears and said she was quitting the sport on the same day the elections were held, it may have looked “stage managed.” No, she was hurt and her tears were genuine. In the days after that, Sakshi, a complainant against Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh earlier in 2023, voiced her views on how junior wrestlers could go and compete in national level tournaments in Gonda, Uttar Pradesh, without any fear psychosis.
If that is one part, the world body, United World Wrestling (UWW) is also concerned about the safety of women wrestlers in India. What the new President of the WFI, Sanjay Singh, did, to take decisions on hosting tournaments without consulting the secretary of the WFI, Prem Chand Lochab, was mindless.

Junior tournaments could have been held anywhere in India, why Gonda, Uttar Pradesh. People are mocking whether it is Gonda or another Hindi word (Goonda). Be that as it may, the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, swung into action on Sunday and wanted this mess to be handled properly.


First was Sakshi shedding tears and the second was Bajrang Punia, an active athlete wanting to return the Padma Award he won. Bajrang’s decision and method may have been wrong, because the award was given to him by the President of India. Yet, it is good the Sports Ministry realised there were flames to be doused, not fanned. That is why the Ministry on Sunday first suspended the WFI. In a few hours, they decided, a new adhoc body will be formed to run the sport in the country. That process, rather an exercise, will be undertaken by the Indian Olympic Association, headed by PT Usha.

The last three days wrestling is back in the news for the wrong reasons. Abroad people were genuinely worried about the safety of women and girl wrestlers in India. Yes, the focus must return to the sport of wrestling. However, the elections have only acted as a catalyst for more from the past to haunt India as a nation again. In light of this the decision of the ministry is every bit justified.

If an elected president of the WFI ignores every principle of good governance, then this course of action was the only option. To not have consulted a teammate and disregarded the WFI constitution was wrong.


The wrestling controversy has been on since January 2023. The year is ending and the most important thing is to settle matters. A Supreme Court mandated election of the WFI saw things going wrong. And if the government has stepped in, it shows they care for the athletes. They matter and not egoistic officials who are drunk on power.

Yes, the show must go on and wrestling camps, junior nationals and more events have to be held in 2024. Hopefully, the new adhoc body will have people in it from a wrestling background, including multiple women in it. There is no way the WFI can be given charge again in the short run. In two days they showed arrogance and zero cooperation amongst themselves. The Paris Olympics is in 2024 and preparations have to begin. More quota places have to be won, let that happen, please. After all, it is the government which funds athletes, celebrates wins and medals.
Now they (Government of India) have come forward to wipe tears as well. It is a welcome development.

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