Unveiling Greatness: Inside the Minds of Athletes with ‘Grounded’

The writer, Gargi Raut with Jonty Rhodes during the shoot of Grounded

What defines greatness? Is there a measure? A sure shot path? Or even a solid definition to the word? In the realm of sports, what sets apart the elite from the rest? What does it take to stack against the odds? To defy fate and mould it according to your will? To dream a dream so rare that there are only two outcomes to it — mediocrity or greatness!

As someone who grew up playing multiple sports, I was always intrigued by the best athletes. I wondered “How in their magnanimity were they ever human? How did the long way feel? Did the weight of success or failure ever weigh them down as much as me?” And as I grew up to be older I realised — they were as human as you and me.

When I sat down on the gymnasium floor to speak with Mirabai Chanu, whose story resonated as powerfully as her triumphant roar during her silver medal-winning clean and jerk at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, I was all but ready with a questionnaire. But after watching her train and witnessing her dedication up close, my perspective on weightlifting changed completely. The questions I wanted to ask were now irrelevant, they felt impersonal and out of place. The conversation that followed was nothing short of natural and genuine. It was incredible to connect with someone like Mirabai in her element, where authenticity shines the brightest.

A few weeks later, I must admit, while setting up my camera for my interview with Jonty Rhodes in a hotel conference room, all I could think about was whether he would answer my questions with the same honesty with which I asked them. After all, we were strangers. As I handed the mic to Jonty and asked the first question, within the first minute, I knew I was in for a wonderful conversation. “Acceptance” is my biggest takeaway from the conversation. Sport would be so much more welcoming if athletes knew who, when, and where to ask for help.

These are just two instances out of the several inspiring, brutally honest conversations that I’ve had with athletes from across sports. I will write about them in detail as we move forward with the series. Each interaction has offered a unique perspective on what it means to be truly great and human in the world of sports. From the weightlifting centre, to a cricket ground, from the hockey field to the gymnasium, the common thread is their relentless pursuit of excellence and their ability to navigate the highs and lows with grace. As we move forward with the series, I will write in detail about these stories, shedding light on the diverse journeys and shared struggles of these remarkable individuals.

There’s a dichotomy to sports — the glory and the despair. Having lived both, I conceptualised “Grounded” as a compelling and necessary exploration of the lesser talked of ‘inner monologues’ inside every athlete.

But I didn’t just want to touch the surface when it came to the topic of mental health, I wanted to dig deep. To find the unseen battles, the daily sacrifices, the unheard conversations that echo in an athlete’s mind, the glory and the despair. I wanted to bring to light the backdrop of struggle behind every triumph and bring forward the humans behind the athletes. I hope you learn and are inspired by “Grounded” just as much as I have. Stay tuned to the series for more insightful and inspiring stories from the world of sports.