Why Rohit and Kohli deserve to be in the T20 International Team

Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma in World Cup 2023
Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma in World Cup 2023 (Source: Debasis Sen)

Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli returning to cricket’s T20 international fold for the series against Afghanistan serves as a reminder that age is not a barrier, and that fitness cannot be measured merely by showing off biceps and bulges.

At a time when two players in their prime, Hardik Pandya and Suryakumar Yadav, are out with injuries, treatment, rehab and strengthening, Kohli at 35 and Rohit at 36 are ready to prove many points. The first is, that T20 cricket does not mean you have to be young, brash and full of attitude.

For all those who felt Rohit was rotund and had a belly, his bat and runs are producing symphonies of a high octave. One does not need to look at his scores on the tour to South Africa, but rather at how he had a successful template during the ICC World Cup last year when he was scoring briskly.

Why would that approach not work in the T20 internationals? It will, and the captain is more than eager to lead a side which has a mix of seasoned stars and youngsters. The way Rohit performed in the World Cup last year was a revelation for some. Perhaps, they had forgotten the grammar of his batting in the Indian Premier League (IPL), where he won five titles when leading the Mumbai Indians.

There is no connection between the IPL and T20 internationals, some would say. No, that is wrong. Every sport is about passion and performance, whether for club or country. To say that Rohit smiled and let go of the Mumbai Indians captaincy would be a lie. He is just not the type who will crib or moan. He will face it.

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Perhaps, it is a blessing in disguise that he is ready to play in the most fast and furious format of T20 cricket, and yet be subject to intense scrutiny. Rohit’s form may have fluctuated but anyone doubting his class would do well to witness some of his classic videos. As a captain, Rohit has evolved into a fantastic leader. There is no rule that, at 37, he cannot lead the team in the United States of America and the West Indies in the T20 World Cup. One last chance, one last dance, let him go for it.

Back to Pandya and Suryakumar – the injuries are a sad story. Pandya has been injury-prone. His return has been delayed so badly, and there are serious doubts if he can peak again. Before fans jump and say he will do very well in the IPL as leader of Mumbai Indians, you cannot discount international performances. This is what makes Rohit stand out as a batter and a leader.

The way Rohit has gelled with Kohli is the best thing for Indian cricket. There are no ego hassles. Both captains, past and present, are playing for the nation in every possible format. If the BCCI selection committee led by Ajit Agarkar picked Rohit and Kohli, they were doing no one any favours. They have picked two experienced pros who carry tons of class and run into a major competition.

Enough swansongs have been written for the duo. It is their commitment to Indian cricket which sees them pushing the selectors so hard. Yes, there are youngsters wanting to gate-crash the party but hang on, Rohit and Kohli are in no hurry to leave. It would have been daring to drop Kohli, who, many felt was no longer worth a place in the T20 international side. He has been a performer and a team man to the core.

All the gossip on social media about rifts between the two stars of the dressing room needs to be washed down the sink. There are two leaders out there, Rohit formally and Kohli a man who has seen it all. They guide players, and each youngster will gain from watching these senior blokes on the field.

Do you still think Rohit and Kohli won’t make the cut for the ICC T20 World Cup?

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