ENBA Awards will inspire RevSportz to stay passionate, committed to furthering Indian sport

There was a standout moment amidst the glitz and the glamour at The Imperial in New…

Understanding the spirit of sports and respecting it

I came to know about RevSportz in October 2022. It was at a domestic cricket match.…

ENBA Awards won, more to follow for RevSportz

What’s RevSportz? No exaggeration this, a few inside the Imperial Hotel lawns in New Delhi on…

Teamwork behind the scenes made the Conclave possible

There were 40 athletes. Other policy makers, corporates and federation presidents. In all, 55 people to…

Excellence is a natural endpoint of the process: Sourav Ganguly

Abhinav Bindra, Sourav Ganguly and Neeraj Chopra. These are three people who have all faced extreme…

The empowerment walk – 15 minutes of fashion for a cause

The empowerment walk. It made the Trailblazers Conclave 2.0 what it was – a story of…

Abhinav Bindra giving the spotlight to differently abled kids highlight of the Trailblazers Conclave 2.0

  In an event of scale like the Trailblazers Conclave 2.0, you want to make a…

Trailblazers Conclave 2.0 was a celebration of sport in totality

The RevSportz conclave had just ended and each one of us had started to take selfies…

Trailblazers Signs off With Lessons for Athletes and Support Systems

Forty-one athletes, 15 corporate leaders, 10 policy makers and federation presidents. Across 24 sessions. The scale…

Support increasing for athletes in Paralympic sports

‘Paralympic Sports and Empowerment’ was the topic of discussion in Session 8 on Day 2 of…